Category: Uncategorized


Gallery: Sean & Mary Ericson Wedding

On Saturday, my friends Mary and Sean got married in a beautiful wedding in northern Colorado. Mary was one of my many friends during our semester abroad in Granada Spain – so this wedding was cause for a reunion of sorts. Great friends, great times, and lots of memories shared.


Meet Daniela.

With a grade point average of 6.7, she is North Miami Senior High School’s valedictorian.

Her older brother served in the U.S. Army for two years, including a tour in Afghanistan. Then he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He served this country before it was his country.

Daniela wants to be a heart surgeon.

A federal immigration judge says she needs to leave the country, instead.

Daniela didn’t do anything wrong. She was brought to America illegally when she was only four years old. In the 14 years since, she has been the archetype of American ideals, bringing the best of her heritage into our own community and giving only her best. It costs us nothing to afford her the opportunities many of us take for granted, but instead our government chooses to reject her for being of the wrong origin.

What does Daniela have to say about this injustice?

“I consider myself an American no matter what.”

Daniela is true to herself and her country. Her country should be true to itself, too.

Link: Miami Herald


Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Steve Jobs’ visionary products changed our culture. But I think his philosophy of life, work, and death have meant event more to me.

It’s fitting that his own words about death are the ones that help me put his death in perspective, but also my own life:

Namaste, Steve.



I’m currently in “head down” mode on a really fun WordPress project, but once I get to surface again, I’ve amassed a pretty big list of fun to take care of:



  • My guide to finding the perfect web host by emphasizing publishing strategy over technical jargon and marketing BS (can’t decide between text or video format for this)
  • My news addict’s guide to stress-free feed consumption
  • My long-term list of things that rock about OS X Lion
  • My long-term list of things that suck about OS X Lion


  • Harry Potter movies 1-7 at home, then hopefully see no. 8 while still in the theater


  • The rest of my new apartment’s living spaces: more art for more walls, more furniture for the living room

Tune up:

  • My car (dead for nearly 3 months) – I’ve been on my bike all summer, and am loving it. People who have read A Game of Thrones keep warning me that winter is coming for some reason, though.
  • My commute bike – it’s racked up a few hundred more miles and needs some TLC.