Apple’s iOS Development Manifesto: Are They Afraid of Android?

This caught my eye- Apple has released a new video featuring the full gamut of iPhone and iPad application developers, from tiny shops to tech startups to media giants. While I think it’s overall not too remarkable – merely an ad presenting the strengths of Apple’s development platform for mobile devices – I do think … Read more

Attention to detail: New Belgium


This tickles my design sensibilities: Fort Collins hometown hero New Belgium Brewing rolled out a new set of labels for their product line. I’m torn on the redesign overall, mainly because I’m sentimental about the old artwork. (Though I appreciate how the new ones verge on Dharma Project packaging!)

But it took me longer to notice something more subtle about the redesign: at least with their Mothership Wit organic wheat beer, the label color pretty much exactly matches the color of the brew itself!

(It probably took me so long to realize this because it took 90 degree heat to get me to buy yellow beer.)

Making sense of Facebook’s “Fixed” Privacy

Even if you don’t read any more of this post, if you use Facebook and haven’t adjusted your Facebook privacy settings since April 2010, please go do so right now – Facebook has made your profile data and photos public for all to see, including law enforcement, corporations and creepers like me. Also, you will … Read more

HTC Droid Incredible thoughts, 3 weeks in

I’ve had my HTC Incredible for 3 weeks now. I don’t have the time to write a whole review, but here are the things that stand out to me after having gotten to know the device: HTC Sense UI is nothing short of amazing. It’s elegant and easy to use, yet quite powerful and well … Read more

For Nonny

My grandma died comfortably and peacefully tonight. Her name was Louise Hurley Sweeney, but to me she was always “Nonny.” For me, it’s hard to feel low as I think about her, because the truth is that Nonny had such a positive impact on me, as she did with so many others. She inspired me … Read more