Not enough / Too much

So I’ve been house-hunting for the last week and a half. I was planning on renting an apartment or house with my current suitemate and one of is friends. We went to a bunch of apartments last weekend, and I went to a few houses and condos in the following days. We found a condo … Read more


So my birthday present to myself was a brand-new Pearl PowerShifter double bass drum pedal. I’ve been holding off on this for about three years, because of the bad rap I’ve given double pedals (you see, they turned metal and prog rock into almost complete crap over the last 15 years). But some still know … Read more

Spring, Summer, Winter

This has been a fun weekend… On Friday, about 20 people from my floor took me out to CooperSmith’s for dinner. Since then it’s been just general goofing off and random craziness. I started house/apartment-hunting hardcore this weekend with Derek and his friend, Phil. I’m more interested in a house for drumming purposes, but we’re … Read more


It is sunny out. It’s the first day of spring. I’m wearing shorts again. My birthday is tomorrow. Life is good.