It came.
It came.
I finally placed the order that I’ve been waiting to make for about 6 months… I decided on the Dell E1405. I had been considering a MacBook, but the price for the same configuration as my Dell would have been like…. $700 more. Here are some speccy’s: Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz, 667MHz bus (I like … Read more
AP Credits transferred over to CSU…. I got a 4 on the Microeconomics (thought I would fail) and a 4 on Spanish (as expected; had hoped for a 5). These credits officially make me a sophomore. Sweet. So I registered for my last classes, and now I have my finalized schedule. Everything but one recitation … Read more
Posted some photos from the roadtrip…. here. Sorry that I suck at writing after huge trips and stuff… Maybe later. Ask me in person, I’m better at that.
That was fun.