No IE. Do I care? Not really.

I just looked at my site in Internet Explorer for the first time in several weeks (I’m on a library kiosk and have no other choice.) It doesn’t display the entire sidebar and some entireĀ posts in IE. I don’t care, either. IE isn’t functional, and my site displays fine in Firefox and Opera, which are … Read more

New contact information

So in the spirit of moving everything, here is the latest installment: I changed my cell phone to a Fort Collins number. No more 480 area code (I liked 480! šŸ™ ). I also have a new address (…in a week, when I move into the dorm). Wanna know my new digits? Too bad. OK, … Read more

I lost the game.

Better move my blog, too.

I figured with all of that moving jazz that I’m up to, I should move my blog! I haven’t touched the old since last summer, and don’t really like how static it is. I also killed the database, and didn’t feel like restoring Coppermine (I think it’s kinda clunky), so I put a … Read more

Leaving Arizona

So I’m… home. Kind of. Last night was a really weird night to sleep in my bed for the last time. My room was completely bare- all of the posters down, half of my stuff sitting in the dumpster outside. I lay there thinking about how long I had been there, but also about how … Read more