
Wow. I’m working full time now. I haven’t done that before, so I have to let my brain adjust to it… I’ll probably be working 5 to 6 days in a row. I was working 2 days a week for the last couple of months, so it’s a bit of whiplash… But that’s OK. I don’t have school to stress me out, and I don’t mind being at work at all. I might get a little tired of Mexican food, though…. I had Taco Del Mar friday night, sunday at lunch, Chipotle at dinner, Taco Del Mar again for lunch again monday and today…. And filiberto’s for dinner. And guess where I’ll be eating lunch again tomorrow?!

So I don’t think I’ll be eating out much.

Graduation in 2 days. w00t. My mommy’s coming to town.

1 thought on “…work?”

  1. Just take it one step at a time. Congratulations on graduating from high school. Enjoy your summer!

    I’m really going to miss talking to you in class and listening to your insightful comments. Next year is definitely not going to be the same. Take care, Zeke. You’ve been an awesome friend and classmate!

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