
So Andy brought this up… and I think it’s a totally great idea. My spring break is shaping up to be totally lame, but a couple things from the last few days have made summer look very fun…

Would anybody in the Colorado/Arizona area be interested in going to Bonnaroo 2007 from June 14-17? I myself am very interested, so if I can find people to go, I would be ecstatic.

(For those who are still scratching their heads and saying “Bonna-what?,” it’s a four-day music and arts festival that takes place on a 700-acre farm in Tennessee. This year has a killer lineup, and I think it would be a blast.

So anyways. I don’t know if I would go via plane or roadtrip, but either way, it will be moderately expensive. There is a way to volunteer either before or during the festival, which gets you in free, so this could be an option.

So is anyone interested? If we got a sizable enough group, it would be awesome.

1 thought on “Bonnaroo”

  1. That sounds sweet!

    I should be in Arizona most of the summer, and that sounds really good.
    So, I’m interested.

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