Political Blog Survey

Hi, all-

My blog is being researched as part of a study on political blogging at the universities of Kansas and Wisconsin. I don’t consider the majority of my entries as political, but there is the occasional political entry. The more recent half of them are categorized here,  if you want a refresher. I guess they want a cross-section of 100% political blogs, as well as personal ones that address politics occasionally.

The researchers would like me to post a link to a reader survey on their site. If you’d like to help them out, please take the survey. It’s a little long- it took me 10 or 15 minutes – but it doesn’t ask for any personal information, just statistics, politics, and “rank how much you agree on a scale of 1 to 10” questions.

A quick note: they want to know which blog you are coming from. They initially got in contact with me when my blog was titled “Estimated Prophet,” so you will need to use that name.