Studio Fun

A few weeks ago, I went to a Dave Weckl drumming clinic. He had a lot of interesting stuff to say, but one thing I noticed was how he does almost all of his session work by playing along to pre-made tracks. Usually the recording workflow works the other way around, laying down drums first … Read more

Maybe CIS Ain’t So Bad

Forbes just released their list of the 25 best- and worst-paying jobs in America. Computer Information Sytstems Managers came in at #22 on the high list, averaging $107,250 a year. Suddenly I find myself questioning my choice of major less.


I am a self-admitted victim of Grass Always Greener Syndrome (GAGS). My laptop is no older than 10 months, and I already want something else. Don’t get me wrong, this thing works awesome with huge battery life and features up to the gills with Windows Vista Ultimate Edition. I can do everything I need from … Read more

Time for the Yearly Identity Crisis

Something interesting happened in my business calculus class today. The prof gave a quiz that had questions that we’d never seen before, but with some understanding of the concepts we did know, could be solved with a couple of smart realizations. To the tell the truth, the quiz knocked my on my butt- I had … Read more

Pirates of Silicon Valley Chat Together

Last night Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had a conversation at the D: All Things Digital conference. While it’s touchy-feely optimism, and they avoid confrontation, it’s still cool to watch (if you’re a geek like me).