Spring, Summer, Winter

This has been a fun weekend… On Friday, about 20 people from my floor took me out to CooperSmith’s for dinner. Since then it’s been just general goofing off and random craziness.

I started house/apartment-hunting hardcore this weekend with Derek and his friend, Phil. I’m more interested in a house for drumming purposes, but we’re also looking at apartments.  We toured 3 apartments yesterday, two more expensive (but nice) places that were close to campus, and one that is pretty far away and rather old, but costs only about $250 per person, including all utilities.

Today we toured a condo for rent that seems really good… But it’s on the expensive end, so it might not happen. We have a huge list of other houses that are within a couple of blocks of campus, though, so we have a lot more to look at.

I’m also planning out the summer… So far, I know that I’ll be going to Cape May with my mom’s family for a week, and from there I’ll be flying down to Belize for a week of snorkeling. I need to study up on the language end- most of the people speak an English-based Creole, with Spanish being a pretty common second language. But I’m excited.

Spring is really great here. It’s warm and sunny pretty much every day, and my dorm has a huge courtyard which is pretty much constantly full of people playing frisbee or sunbathing. I went biking for a bit today, and it was really great. It kinda sucks that half of the school year is spent under some really nasty snow, but CSU is beautiful when the sun is out.