Black Friday
This is the day it all comes down to. Today’s gonna suck. But then it gets a lot easier. I got a 71.8% on my second macroeconomics test 😛
This is the day it all comes down to. Today’s gonna suck. But then it gets a lot easier. I got a 71.8% on my second macroeconomics test 😛
Midterms week progresses. Soon it will be over. This post is dedicated to a vague friend who writes vague blog posts, one of which makes me very happy for vague reasons 🙂
“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” – Leonardo da Vinci Macroeconomics test tomorrow. That test is 20-25% of my final grade 😛 On top of tests, work is busy this week. Things there are going well, but I have a lot on my plate overall. I’m also … Read more
(…sorry for the pun.) Right now I’m not sure what I want to do with my major(s) at CSU. I came here knowing my three big interests: Music, Computers, and Spanish. I’m pursuing all three in some way or another, and possibly will be getting degrees in two of them (I don’t want to be … Read more