Back into the woods.
Today we got one sunny 76º F / 24º C day of respite after 4 nights in a deep freeze. Tomorrow we go back to near-freezing weather for a while – with rain on the horizon.
So I took an hour in the middle of my work day to pop into the forest next door. Only brought my Sony A7C II + Tamron 28-200 f/2.8-5.6 lens. (click to embiggen)

I didn’t even bring Athena. But don’t worry about her – we spent the rest of the afternoon WFPatio.

ACL Festival Street Photography
I took my new Sony A7C II all around South Austin last night for its first street photography outing. I caught the crowds leaving the Austin City Limits music festival and bounced a few times between South Congress and 1st Street. I only took my Sony/Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 lens instead of the 35mm length I’m … Read more
RAW File Support Workaround for Sony A7C II

I got the new Sony A7C II this weekend! It is likely to replace most/all of my interchangeable lens cameras. I just love the rangefinder shape, and people seem less guarded around cameras without a serious-looking pentaprism bump on top.
As of this writing, there isn’t much third party support for A7C II raw .ARW images yet. But the A7C II uses the same image sensor as the older, widely-supported A7 IV – so the raw files should be very similar.
I’ve figured out how to make them pretend to be from an A7 IV using ExifTool – it works for my workflows in Capture One and Apple-based raw editors on macOS. And be warned: it’s not entirely stable.