Millennials, Begone!

This year, all the uninspired rants against my generation got a bit too much to handle: Writers: Every time you say “millennials,” you trade any real analysis for stereotypes made of your own anxieties. Lazy and corrosive. — Erin Kissane (@kissane) September 16, 2012 I just cooked up a Chrome extension called “Millennials, Begone!” to … Read more

On Standards and Switching from Gmail to FastMail.FM

This summer, I finally followed through on a couple of experiments I’ve had nagging at the back of my head for a while:

  1. Seeing if I can tolerably get by on standard IMAP email hosting after 9 years on Gmail, just to know if it’s a viable alternative in some kind of hypothetical doomsday scenario
  2. Moving my blog – the one place where I’m not a CMS/blog developer, but a writer – from a traditional server to one of the more modern “app-as-a-hosted-service” platforms. is now hosted on Business – I’m just at the start of this experiment after a few years of “not good enough” attempts on various managed WordPress services, and will write about it later if anything interesting comes up. 🙂

Even though I was interested in seeing the current state of email outside a proprietary host, I approached that experiment with skepticism and low expectations. And I certainly didn’t expect it to turn out like it did! 

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My #WP10 Story

WordPress is 10 years old today. I started making websites a few years earlier, but WordPress did something for me that all the HTML framesets, <table>-based layouts, and animated GIFs of the 1990s didn’t: it helped me find my voice. I encountered blogging in high school. This was when LiveJournal and Xanga were hot, and many … Read more