Killer app

iPad, meet your first killer app.

(This does continue to promote the view that the iPad is a device for consumption rather than creation of content. In this case, that doesn’t bother me.)

On WordPress, Thesis, and profitable GPL software

My twitter feed (full of people in the WordPress community after meeting a ton of people at WordCamp Boulder last weekend) unexpectedly caught fire this morning on the #thesiswp hashtag. I had no idea what the fuss was about, but I wasn’t surprised when I read into it: the item in question is Thesis, a … Read more

Just a few copies…


This is what happens when you work at a design agency and go looking for the right license keys after a clean rebuild.

iPhone 4 impressions

The press embargo for iPhone 4 reviews is over. Engadget, who does a pretty good job of objectively reviewing devices, has a very thorough iPhone 4 review. I’m surprised by just how positive this review is – Apple must have really hit it out of the park this time. Editor-in-Chief Joshua Topolsky went as far … Read more

Celebrating Much More Than Dads

This day is for those who are fathers not by blood, but by actions. This day is for single moms,  because one mother’s day is far from enough to recognize just how much you work and sacrifice for your kids. This day is for the extended family members who step in and share the burden … Read more