I hereby declare the following things “played out” and thus disallowed from now forthwith: The “jumping-in-midair” photo pose Writing tweets about your breakfast Lisping the “c” in “Barcelona” or the “s” in “EspaƱa” The Facebook status “(your name) is.” “Broseph” That is all.

Study Abroad Slideshow

Remember when a family member would come home from some exotic location, strap you down to the sofa, and force you to endure a 2-hour unedited slideshow of their entire trip? Well it’s time to relive those memories all over again! …except that you aren’t being held captive. …and I chose about 100 photos from … Read more


[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2-UuIEOcss&w=640&h=505] Got a 15.4″ MacBook Pro last week. It’s last years’ model, I got it for a steal on eBay. Great quality aluminum build, and an amazing LED screen. It puts my external display to shame. I’ve now been undertaking the effort of remembering and relearning the “Mac way” of doing things; while daily e-mail … Read more


Well, the adventure has come to a close. I’m back in Fort Collins now, and am taking a few days to adjust and reflect. The biggest thing I’m feeling right now is the abundance of familiarity in everything around me, which is a good thing. The people, the things around me, but most importantly, the … Read more


Sorry posting here has slowed down… I’ve been running all around Europe too fast to write it all down! I still plan to finish writing about Morocco and write about my trips to Liverpool, Amsterdam and Prague, but I figured I’d break from chronological order to comment on more current stuff. This week was the … Read more