Social Network Overload

While technology has generally done huge things to help people communicate, I’m starting to feel like the internet has reached a kind of “saturation point” where the technology- or lack of integration and accessibility of information across applications – has become more of a limitingfactor in how I can take advantage of these communication channels. … Read more

Cell Phone Bills

I am overspending a ton on my AT&T Wireless bill. My plan: 450 Anytime, 5000 Night & Weekend minutes ($40) Unlimited iPhone Data ($20) 1500 Text messages ($10) After taxes and fees, my monthly cell phone bill comes out to $80.06. My actual usage, however, is much less: 116 daytime minutes (almost 75% of my … Read more

College Student Schools Ashcroft on Torture

John Ashcroft spoke at Knox college – a rather liberal school. There was, as expected, a great deal of people protesting his visit, with varying levels of maturity. Howerver, one student had a very revealing exchange with Ashcroft: ME: First off, Mr. Ashcroft, I’d like to apologize for the rudeness of some of my fellow … Read more

Reigious Crackdown in Russia

Today’s New York Times has a saddening article about diminishing religious freedoms in Russia. While the constitution provides for freedom of religion, the Russian Orthodox Church has overwhelming power over Vladimir Putin’s government, which it is quietly using to persecute and eliminate other religious denominations, calling them “sects” in the derogatory. Some protestants get random … Read more

On Pennsylvania

It looks like Hillary Clinton won by about a 10% margin tonight in Pennsylvania. She went in with a huge lead, and the Obama camp was able to win part of that back. However, in the grand scope of things, this is not a “winner takes all event” – as a matter of fact, at … Read more