Partied. Hiked. Got stung. (plus photos)

Had a blast this weekend… Went out to the band house for a big party, a lot of people turned out. Big fires, roasting stuff, N64-style Super Smash Bros, RISK lasting until about 4:00 in the morning. The next morning I got stung in the arm by some kind of wasp. I’ve never been stung … Read more


Accidental Art: Ballpoint Pen on Boxers

Yeah… So I accidentally let a blue pen explode in the dryer today. Getting all over an entire load of laundry. Not good. I was really lucky and only had one really nice article of clothing in there- this is the good thing about having more T-shirts than I know what to do with. It … Read more

iPhone 3G First Impressions

The good: $199 8GB / $299 16GB 3G internet/voice with a minimal hit on battery life No longer has the proprietary recessed headphone jack Real GPS The bad: Aluminum backing replaced with fingerprint-happy plastic 3G data plan costs an extra $10, bringing the base monthly price to $70 Still no MMS picture messaging Overall, the … Read more

The US has Quit the Human Rights Council.

In case you missed it, the United States withdrew from the Human Rights Council yesterday. But Eric Sottas, director of the International Organisation against Torture sees it as a a political gesture. “The US has always clearly shown its opposition to the Council. This is a slightly more public way of putting pressure on it … Read more