Calculating with K’NEX

Found something really weird today… a 10-foot tall calculator…. made entirely out of K’NEX. No digital display. No abacus. Just K’NEX: The thing works by dropping nine balls into the top of the unit. Four balls for the first number (that’s binary allowing up to the number 15), one ball for the operation (add or … Read more

Facebook vs. MySpace: Deepening Class Divisions

I often voice my dislike for MySpace. I use Facebook, and feel uncomfortable enough releasing my personal information on that. But today I read a very eye-opening essay by Danah Boyd, a Berkeley PhD student and USC Fellow specializing in youth involvement on sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Youtube. “Viewing American class divisions through … Read more

A Day in Software

I recognize that it’s kind of sad, but I am a hardcore computer junkie and a significant percentage of my work and play are done on the computer. So here’s a peek into the software I use daily: Waking up: Southwest DING! – Check for low airfares to/from Phoenix. Find that there aren’t any. Mozilla … Read more


I lost the game.

But I found out that I passed Calculus! Which means that I am done forever with it. HUGE relief. Only math I have left is stats and accounting – easy.

I have web design projects kicking up, so I should be a bit less busy for the two weeks I have left before Cape May and Belize

Lame Facebook interview after the break! (Click “Read More”)

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Wasting Free Time

Would someone care to tell me why I don’t do anything useful with my rather ample free time this summer? I have PHP and FL Studio projects that I totally want to work on. But I prefer to stay home, sit on my butt, and surf the net or watch Star Trek. Laaaaaame.