iAm aSucker.

Last week, Apple announced the iPod Touch, which is basically an iPhone minus the phone. It still has Wi-Fi internet, so as long as you’re in a hotspot, you can browse and stuff. I ordered it the day it was announced – $399 for 16GB (I sold my fifth-gen one on eBay, so don’t think … Read more


Staying up for 35 hours in a row is not a good idea. Especially when you have tests, web design projects, and homework. Needless to say, I was a caffeinated beast yesterday and today. Besides that strange coding/working/class marathon, not much has been going on as of late. I’ve been recruited into a band, so … Read more

What I Want in an OS

So I’ve done a good deal of bouncing around Operating Systems for the last year. Since July 2006, I’ve run the following OS distributions on my laptop: Windows XP SP2 Home, Professional Windows Vista RC1,  RC2, Business Edition, Ultimate Edition Ubuntu Linux 6.06, 6.10, 7.04 (and Kubuntu) openSUSE Linux 10.1, 10.2 Fedora 7 Mac OS … Read more

I’m Confused.

We’re in Iraq for some reason. No WMDs or nuclear weapons turned out to be there, which were a large part of our rationale for going in. Iran has the beginnings of a nuclear program. They may be making weapons. And it’s pretty sure we’re taking them down next. North Korea has (or at least … Read more