Rock-n-Bowl at Chipper’s Lanes

My band (Deliver Me 7) just played a show at Chipper’s Lanes. We had a total blast, and it was really fun laying down grooves on top of a friggin’ bowling alley! I anticipated being shoved into a corner and ignored while people bowled. But they put a stage over the lanes and ran some … Read more


Please take a moment to pray for the people of Burma (Myanmar). They are in the midst of an atrocious military crackdown against peaceful protests led by Buddhist monks. Right now it looks as if the worst of the violence is over, as the government has forced the monks back into their monasteries, supressing their … Read more

Coming back to multiculturalism

For another installment in my “The New York Times Has Interesting Stuff” series, you should check out this article about a historically white Southern Baptist church in Georgia that has recently become a truly international community. “We realized that what the Lord had in store for that old Clarkston Baptist Church was to transition into a … Read more

Summary of the past few weeks

I don’t sleep enough. I’m totally busy with school and work, yet somehow still have trouble getting things done. Blar.