

So one of the nice things about my job at CSU is that I have the option to work over all the breaks. For this break, I’m not taking any time off- even though I’m in Arizona. Things are set up well enough that I can telecommute for my entire time here.

Which means that I will be spending 20 hours a week at Gold Bar. And after all, you know how much I hate Gold Bar. I spent 5 or 6 hours there today, and ran into a fair amount of old friends. It was nice seeing the old faces… I have some good friends at CSU now, but all of my tight base that really cares for me deeply still lives here. So it’s nice being somewhere where people share a concern for you again.
That said, I’m wondering if I should have taken a reduction in my hours- I’m not sure if I want to be there for ten four-hour shifts. I might get sick of the place ๐Ÿ˜›

But I like Gold Bar. It’s cozy. So if any of you Arizona peeps want to catch up, drop me a line, IM, or e-mail, and we can make it happen.

2 comments Telecommuting

Katya says:

It’s cool that I’ve been to Gold Bar, so I can picture you geeking out there. ๐Ÿ™‚
Hey, it started snowing almost the minute you left, what’s up with that?!
Enjoy the sun, son…. See you in January!
Love, Mom

Tia says:

“It was nice seeing the old facesโ€ฆ I have some good friends at CSU now, but all of my tight base that really cares for me deeply still lives here. So itโ€™s nice being somewhere where people share a concern for you again.”

I know exactly what you mean…It’s so nice to be back here. ๐Ÿ™‚

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